Bad Valentines Day Story Contest

Dr Nikki Goldstein
Published on Feb 13, 2020
#ValentinesDay is tomorrow and for many this is not a day of joy but rather disappointment. With so many people posting their "amazing" loved up moments online, it leaves others feeling like utter crap or wondering if their relationship is doomed due to the comparison to others. Not to mention that if you are single, those loved up posts can feel like they just stab you where it hurts the most. But, nothing is what is seems and no one wants to be completely honest about what is really going on.
So to make you and others feel better... I'm wanting to share those moments that are not so perfect to show how real love and life can be.
🖤 Post your BAD Valentine's Day stories on your social media stories this Feb the 14th.
🖤 Tag me in (@drnikkig) and I will share it so instead of perfect looking romantic scenarios, we can all get a taste of what Valentine's Day can really be.
🖤 The best bad Valentine's Day story will win a Sensations Unite Pack by We-Vibe​.
So Happy #badvalentinesday! lol! 💕💔🖤

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