Sex & Censorship Rally at Stop Porn Culture

Published on Mar 25, 2014
This event took place in London Saturday 15th March 2014.

00:00 Biscuits and Gail Dines talks with protesters
09:15 Jerry Barnett on Stop Porn Culture and Sex & Censorship
13:54 Renee Richards: Retired porn star
17:56 Benedict Garrett male porn star
21:24 The English Collective Of Prostitutes
26:21 Edie La Mour (Stripper)
27:57 "Sleazy" Michael male escort
33:54 Queer Strike
36:23 Myles Jackman
37:32 Sex Workers Open University
38:51 Benedict interviews Renee Richards
44:53 Benedict interviews researcher of gender & cultural studies
48:19 Jerry talks to the press

WWW.SEXANDCENSHORSHIP.ORG Twitter: @PornPanic Also listen to: The Naked Truth Podcast Twitter: @nakedtruthguy

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