altersin show more show less Follow Your Subscription altersin - Change Subscription Videos Activity Recent Activity 1524 days ago altersin has favorited a video MONSIEUR SAGAT Trailer Long-considered one of the most-popular gay adult entertainers on the planet, Francois Sagat practically defies description. Actor, artist, director, fashion designer, model, muse, musician, porn star - all aptly describe the man yet still barely scratch the surface. Monsieur Sagat is here to bring you in. Melding deeply personal interviews with... 1524 days ago altersin has uploaded a video MONSIEUR SAGAT Trailer Long-considered one of the most-popular gay adult entertainers on the planet, Francois Sagat practically defies description. Actor, artist, director, fashion designer, model, muse, musician, porn star - all aptly describe the man yet still barely scratch the surface. Monsieur Sagat is here to bring you in. Melding deeply personal interviews with...